Monthly Archives: June 2007

three people who have never been in my kitchen

Watch Deana on Jeopardy!Guess who’s going to be on Jeopardy! this week?

No, not me. I’d choke up like a vegan at a hot-dog eating contest. The Global Spin community is much better represented by Deana, if this 10-second teaser video is any indication.

Deana appears this Friday, June 22nd. Check your local listings, etc, and watch with us. (Seriously, how often is it that I actually recommend watching television?)

UPDATE: An article at GVNow has more details.

Happy Birthday, Karen!

Yes, it’s that’s time of year again, Flag Day (aka Karen’s little section of the solar system). We are once again in that little section of earth’s orbit where Karen was born. And to celebrate, I found This page, all about women who are always “Karen.” It’s sort of lame, but oddly appropriate…

back in the saddle again

So ScriptFrenzy got off to a rocky start. We spent the first few days of June getting prepared for a trip, and another week or so on the trip itself. (With no laptop. And a three-year-old boy. ‘Nuff said.) As a result, the grand total after we got back was still 346 words.

Ah, but that’s to be expected. This is the Accursed Time-Travel Screenplay, after all. The Movie They Didn’t Want You To See! They Said It Couldn’t Be Done! Men Have Gone Mad Making It! If it was easy to write, I would have written it by now, right?

So yeah. I worked on it a bit on the bus, and managed to get past the teaser and into the opening credits. There’s a lot more to go, but it averages out to about 1000 words per day now. That’s nothing compared to NaNoWriMo, so I still think it can be done.

Word count so far: 1,117.

it begins again

We wrote our first few words for Script Frenzy this evening. Yes, it has begun again with the oh-so-simple-sounding EXT.  ALLEYWAY – NIGHT.

Who knows where it will lead, though? Will our hero find a way to save his girl from certain doom? Will our heroine find a way to let this blockhead know that he’s not a 1960s sci-fi action hero? Will our plucky sidekick get enough good lines to make it a worthwhile part?

Only time will tell. Time and about 19,700 more words.

Word count so far: 346.