A gay guinea pig wedding, that is. I just read about a new kids’ book about a little girl whose Uncle Bobby is getting married (it’s called Uncle Bobby’s Wedding), and her big issue is that he won’t have as much time for her anymore. The fact that the wedding leaves her with two uncles instead of one is a definite plus, however.
All posts by Deana
I have no idea what this means, but….
Google and Virgin Join Forces, Plan Mars Colony
The new endeavor, named Virgle, has been written up on the Google blog by Sir Richard Branson.
Radcliffs, get your rockets ready!
Dolphin Rescues Whales
Heard about this from my mom. Sort of a follow-up to Deb’s last post
Presidential amusements….
First, here’s an article about the current presidential candidates’ personalities, Myers-Briggs style. Those of you who know me know that the MB type indicator is something of an obsession, and so I really enjoyed this. Especially about Barack Obama. :-)
And then also connecting presidential stuff and things that make me happy, here’s today’s Frazz: