Category Archives: Literature

Click Swiftly to the Swivet (But Don’t Panic!)

I have recently discovered The Swivet. It is the blog of one Colleen Lindsay, a self-styled “unrepentant nerd” and a literary agent with FinePrint Literary Management.

I am posting the link to her blog since it’s a lot easier than re-posting every link she posts to Global Spin.

In fact, I would like to submit a motion to include Colleen as an honorary member of the Global Spin geek freak squad. She’s lived in San Francisco, has a link to XKCD on her blog and posts things like this and this. So, just a humble suggestion to read her blog, folks.

Legacy has arrived!

As you all know, Kerrigan is having her book Legacy published on May 18, 2007. Yesterday, our ten copies arrived and I thought y’all might want to get a first look:

Legacy front
This would be the front cover in the vineyard outside my office at about 6:00 am this morning (isn’t it beautiful?!?).

Binding of Legacy Back cover of Legacy

Here are the side and back views.

Legacy open
Look, you can even open it! It’s so strange to see it on a printed page rather than a computer screen.

Anyway, Legacy will be available soon! If you’d like to see Kerrigan at a book store near you, jump over here and demand it!