This is why I’d still vote for the guy (and why I think he got a bad rap). If more of our presidents last century had Mr. Carter’s ethic of service to humanity, our current world might have been a very different place.
Category Archives: Feminism
the Bechdel Test and sci-fi shows
So I’m still looking for a sci-fi or fantasy film I’ve seen that passes the Bechdel Test. While I’m searching, let’s move on to something that seems easier at first glance: TV shows.
It’s almost trivial for a long-running show to pass the test; just have two women talk to each other about something other than a man in any episode. Some shows do better than others, though, passing the test in more individual episodes. Continue reading
sci-fi film classics and the Bechdel test
I’ve been having some fun thinking about the Bechdel test lately, specifically how many of my favorite sci-fi and fantasy films would pass it. To pass the test a movie must (a) have two women in it who (b) talk to each other (c) about something other than a man.
Ada Lovelace Day: Esther Dyson
Today is Ada Lovelace Day, a celebration of women in tech. Ada was a mathematician and the world’s first programmer; in the mid-19th Century she wrote technical documentation and programs for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine.
This year, Suw Charman-Anderson made a pledge: “I will publish a blog post on Tuesday 24th March about a woman in technology whom I admire but only if 1,000 other people will do the same.” Over 1,800 people agreed, and so here you are. Continue reading
On the Birds and the Bees
This is a cute article about how Hollywood gets it wrong yet again. This time with the world of insects and how, well, the social ones are really all female. I mean, must we anthropomorphize even our sexist gender assumptions?
via Feministing