I’m not sure what to do with it, but my “Autism Quotient”:http://www.msnbc.com/modules/newsweek/autism_quotient/default.asp is 29, apparently ranked “above average”.
Yearly Archives: 2006
following the north star…s?
A quickie from HubbleSite: astronomers have determined that Polaris (the North Star) “is actually a triple-star system”:http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/newsdesk/archive/releases/2006/02/ with two of the stars so close together that it takes the full power of Hubble to differentiate them.
Scopes Monkey Trial, Take 2
Same topic, same outcome. Just a bit less hullabaloo this time. And I think we all need to become card carrying members of the ACLU!
Watching as the world vanishes
An “important read”:http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/01/02/opinion/edroxana.php from the International Herald Tribune
bq. Fanaticism is a driving force here, as it often is behind great crimes. This is a crime against nature, and this fanaticism is economic – the belief that money and profit should outweigh all other considerations, including survival of the species.
spuds is quaking in his ski boots
Just had to share this snippet from today’s Borowitz Report:
Elsewhere, exposure to alcohol advertising may be a contributing factor to underage drinking, according to a new study published today in “Duh” magazine.
That’s exactly how I felt after reading about those findings. Of course, it will still take 20 years before the alcohol industry actually owns up to the problem.