Category Archives: Space

help out a fellow space geek

UPDATE: It worked! Here’s the latest:

It is official, Kayla won the contest and the title of NASA’s Greatest Fan! Thank you for all your votes. We don’t have all the details yet, but we’re off to (hopefully) see the shuttle launch!

Excited beyond words,

See the original post below:

From Jennifer, a Global Spin reader and my teammate from Space Camp:

Since I am not a US citizen, I couldn’t enter a contest to win the title of ‘NASA’s greatest fan’ but my friend Kayla did, and she made it to the finals. The prize – a trip for two (her and I) to Florida to watch the space shuttle launch! You all know it’s my life-long dream to see a launch, so make it a reality and vote! Vote lots – the more votes the merrier, and there is no limit!

vote for ‘Mars Mates Forever’ by Kayla

You heard her, folks. Vote early and often. Show the raw power of the Global Spin!

The site is a bit wonky to navigate, but you can watch any of the videos and then click “Vote for your favorite” to go to the voting ‘survey’. ‘Mars Mates Forever’ is the one with the photo of two flight-suit-clad adventurers looking defiantly skyward. It seems to allow you to vote as many times as you wish, so click it a couple dozen times for good measure.

First Female Space Tourist Blasts Off

From AOL News:

An Iranian-American telecommunications entrepreneur took off Monday on a Russian rocket bound for the international space station, achieving her dream of becoming the the world’s first paying female space tourist.

Iranian-American telecommunications entrepreneur Anousheh Ansari paid a reported $20 million to become the fourth private astronaut to take a trip on a Russian spacecraft and visit the space station.