This is an excellent article by Elaine Pagels concerning not so much “The DaVinci Code” but rather the nerve it hits that makes it so popular. Elaine Pagels is a senior scholar of religion at Princeton. She is well known for her book The Gnostic Gospels. Here is an interesting excerpt.
Category Archives: Religion
what color would non-proselytizing Gaian rational physical theorists wear?
UPDATE: Apparently this whole story was false, a hoax. I’m definitely relieved. I’ll leave the rest here because, well, I’m lazy like that.
I haven’t followed internal affairs in Iran lately, but a recent story has chilling history-repeating-itself overtones. Apparently Jews and other non-Muslims will be required to wear color-coded insignia to differentiate them from Muslims.
Iranian expatriates living in Canada yesterday confirmed reports that the Iranian parliament, called the Islamic Majlis, passed a law this week setting a dress code for all Iranians, requiring them to wear almost identical “standard Islamic garments.”The law, which must still be approved by Iran’s “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenehi before being put into effect, also establishes special insignia to be worn by non-Muslims.
If true, this would be the scariest development yet from Iran. This is the kind of development that starts to justify UN sanctions and (maybe just the barest beginnings of) thoughts of regime change. I just hope it doesn’t get drowned out by the incessant saber-rattling we’ve seen to date.
As an aside, I’m proud that I got through this whole post without using the terms “Nazi” or “Hitler”. Until the end, of course. Bah, nevermind.
Flying Spaghetti Monster Hat
You cannot resist the Flying Spaghetti Monster Hat.
The Pope has a special hat. Rabbis have special hats. Rastafarians have special hats. Why not Pastafarians?
brother astronomer
What do you call a Jesuit brother who was trained at MIT, splits his time between Italy and the (oxymoronically named) Vatican Observatory in Arizona, and wrote a well-received amateur astronomy book? You call him Guy Consolmagno, apparently, or Brother Guy. I just heard a fascinating interview with him on CBC’s Quirks and Quarks podcast, and his views on science and religion are well worth hearing. I just wish we could hear even-handed ideas like his from the Vatican more often.
the most homophobic place on earth
Note to self, friends, and family: Avoid Jamaica. Criminy. I had no idea that Rastafarians were so violently anti-gay.