All posts by Deana

Buying Blue

Check out It keeps track of the political donations of various corporations, helping consumers spend their money at places that support rather than oppose their liberal politics. Not that anyone here would be interested….

p.s. vague sense that this may have been posted before… am I hallucinating?

Coulter: “We have the media now!”

What? The media is not liberal? My own little brother (he’s 32, okay, and over 6 feet tall, but he’s my little brother) heard Ann Coulter make this interesting proclamation on the Sean Hannity show. He posted about it on Democratic Underground, and his post was eventually picked up by Crooks and Liars! And finally someone connected to Crooks and Liars put up this link to the Coulter audio.

And I am his proud, leftie big sis! You go get Ann, little bro’!

Facial Feminization Surgery

aka Facial Feminizing Surgery. I was watching a Discovery Health Channel documentary last night on sex changes and found out for the first time that hormone therapy, breast augmentation, etc. can be supplemented by actual surgery to the transsexual person’s skull (at least in male to female cases). Get rid of the brow ridge, take down the jaw, mess with the hairline… I’m amazed at how much of a difference this all makes. I just thought it was brilliant and realized that if I were to ever be a surgeon, like my Aunt Laurel, this is what I would enjoy doing. Here are a couple of sites about post-surgery ladies:
Site One and the awesome Site Two.