Stolen from the GVSU livejournal site – find out your true name! Instructions in the extended entry. BTW, Chris and Karen have the exact same name…. And Glen gets to be Crusty Hubblebutt. Which amuses me to no end (pun intended).
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All posts by Deana
Hi-Tech returns to Low-Tech
I like this, but it seems to be taking something currently prized for its low-tech simplicity, spinning, and automating it. Are there cycles of technology? People reject machined versions of things and do them by hand…only to create machines to help? Hmmmm…..
The Real King of England
You go, King Mike! Too right.
You Are a Feminist
Something Light (and bouncy!)
You’re Tigger. Playful and fun-loving, you enjoy
hanging out with friends even though you don’t
always have to be the center of attention.
You’re never pessimistic or sluggish. Your
enthusiasm is at once endearing and
over-the-top. You’re the quintessential
Which famous feline are you?
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