Yearly Archives: 2006

Go Team Wales – Day Thirteen

*Feeling the heat.*

“Charlotte Lucas has just accepted Mr. Collins,”: and I have just begun the foot of the sock (part two). The days are counting down to the completion of the union of the two (socks), and I am feeling the pressure, though I admit my own happy occasion must be one of more perfect joy than that insensible pair.

Guess what I’ve been listening to?
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Go Team Wales – Day Eleven

*The pattern’s the thing.*

Chris has taken the camera and flown away, leaving me with the old camera with which to document my progress. The problem is that the old camera will not take photos unless the lighting is full natural light. As I tend to photograph and post at about, oh, 11:30 at night, tonight’s entry will be entirely descriptive.

By the way, I’m working on the heel of sock (part two).

(Warning: knit-technical content to follow. Wink wink.)
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Go Team Wales – Day Seven

*Tion Medon*
No post yesterday, because I sat down on the sofa last night and whimpered. I was tired. I knit about four rows. But that wussy knitter is gone now. I knit a lot today, listening to an audio reading of _Pride and Prejudice_ from “Librivox.”:

For those of you counting, there are nine days to go. To be precise, as of this writing there are 9 days, 11 hours, 54 minutes, and 10 seconds to go. Nine seconds. Eight. Seven…

However! We have documented progress! Behold:
The completed sock, part one

The completed sock (part one).

Pretty special, isn’t it?
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ok, so science and religion aren’t always friends

I just read a fascinating (if a bit slanted) LA Times article about “genetic evidence that Native Americans aren’t descendants of the Hebrews”:,0,5561316.story. It probably doesn’t come as a shock to most of us, but apparently it’s a big deal to Mormons who were converted to that faith based on their “Lamanite heritage”. Anyway, I’m not doing the article justice. Read it; it has an interesting set of twists and turns.