“Today’s Boondocks”:http://www.ucomics.com/boondocks/2005/09/12/ is right on the money. Harsh, but so true.
Is there any hope that voters will actually remember this in 2008? Heck, in 2006?
“Today’s Boondocks”:http://www.ucomics.com/boondocks/2005/09/12/ is right on the money. Harsh, but so true.
Is there any hope that voters will actually remember this in 2008? Heck, in 2006?
SpaceX, one of the new private space race competitors, has announced the “Falcon 9″:http://www.space.com/news/050908_spacex_falcon.html project, a launch vehicle with enough oomph to send big satellites into orbit or supplies up to ISS. Better yet, launches could be as cheap as $20 million each, which puts it smack in the middle of “Space Prize”:/mt/archives/000412.html territory. Go SpaceX!
You’re Tigger. Playful and fun-loving, you enjoy
hanging out with friends even though you don’t
always have to be the center of attention.
You’re never pessimistic or sluggish. Your
enthusiasm is at once endearing and
over-the-top. You’re the quintessential
Which famous feline are you?
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“Jim Moore”:http://weber.ucsd.edu/~jmoore/ pointed out that the Daily Show is going to do a whole week entitled “Evolution Schmevolution”:http://www.prnewswire.com/news/index_mail.shtml?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/09-07-2005/0004102163&EDATE= :
bq. For those of you interested in the debate over ID, creationism & evolution, there is a multipart series examining the question coming up next week (12-15th), hosted by Jon Stewart (The Daily Show).
bq. This should be … interesting.
Indeed. I look forward to -downloading it- catching it on Comedy Central.
Deana sent this article about a power-generating backpack that turns the up-and-down motion of walking into electricity. According to the article, “The energy you exert could be offset by carrying an extra snack, which is nothing compared to weight of extra batteries.” Nice.