Yearly Archives: 2003

Hardwired (and this could be a double entendre)

More and more evidence is mounting (sorry, there’s another double entendre) that our sexuality and gender identities are neurologically based and certainly not just lifestyle “preferences.” UCLA has done a study focusing on this, and their researcher Eric Vilain says, “Our research implies that genes account for some of the differences in male and female brains. It’s quite possible that sexual identity and physical attraction is ‘hard-wired’ by the brain. If we accept this concept, we must dismiss the myth that homosexuality is a ‘choice’ and examine our civil legal system accordingly.”

Be sure to read the whole article for some interesting things on differences in startle responses in gay and straight people.

P.S. Just found the link to this latter study.

An off topic

The strangest thought occurred to me today. If your descendants held a convention (with you as the topic) in your town this year, would you go? What do you think they’d talk about?

UPD: Apparently, posting from a hiptop impairs my spelling ability. Fixed the typo.

Mobility is good.

I’m writing this on my way home from work. No, I’m not a danger to traffic; I’m on the bus with a Sidekick hiptop-style wireless device thingy. Typing on a thumb keyboard is slow, but hopefully I’ll be able to post to the blog more often. Now if I could just make this page look better on the built-in browser…