Yearly Archives: 2003

An honest, fabulous person

Bush Accepts Blame for African Uranium Charge

Bush is taking responsibility for lying about the whole uranium/Iraq thing. But we’re not to blame Condy Rice at all. In fact, Bush says of her, “Dr. Condoleezza Rice is an honest, fabulous person and America is lucky to have her service, period.”

This sounds perfectly fair, except that according to my Webster’s II, “fabulous” means both “of the nature of a fable or myth” and “barely credible.” Bush’s subconscious is starting to play on him, perhaps?

A test

This is Chris; I’m adding Deana to the system so she can fill in some of these long, boring gaps with fun things.

My car has arrived… again

Just in time to fill in for Corbin Motors, a new car company in Spokane has started producing the Tango, a half-lane 2-seater electric vehicle that gets 80 miles per charge and has a top speed of 130 mph. The Seattle Times has a great story about the car’s development. It looks like the price will be about $80,000 unfortunately, but hopefully that’ll make it’s way down to something reasonable in time for me to pick one up…