Apparently it has been decided in Texas that pictures of breastfeeding are “lewd.” Ah. Obviously. Chris and Karen had best be careful, when the time comes, not to shoot anything that is “equivalent to sex”. This will make Karen very, very angry (if she hasn’t heard about it already).
Yearly Archives: 2003
Micro World
It’s all about your microorganisms, baby!
Microorganisms, micro-details. I fixed the “=”. ~deb
Instant Runoff Voting
Since there’s all this interest in voting in California, you might want to take a moment to get to know the proposed Instant Runoff Voting idea. It won’t make it into this recall election, but it should.
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VICTORY cigarette, anyone?
Our beloved John Ashcroft is touring the country to campaign for the PATRIOT Act, extolling it’s virtues in protecting us from terrorism. Why campaign for an act already enacted, you ask? Not only would he like to extend it, but soon we’ll see the new, improved VICTORY Act which elevates his power to that of a full-fledged police state. (There’s no little irony that Victory is the brand of choice in Orwell’s 1984.)
Angry? Then do what I did and oppose the VICTORY Act before it even has a chance to rear its ugly head. It’s an online petition, yes, but it’s one that has the Dean campaign behind it, so it’ll get press.
I’m a Dean girl, myself…
My brother Carl sent me this neat test to determine which presidential candidate (who has declared candidacy) is my best match for election 2004. I was 100% with Dean, but only 19% with G.W. Bush. Go figure!