Category Archives: World

where in the world was ISS?

My current desktop background is a large, beautiful “photo of the ISS soaring over the Earth”:, taken by the crew of Discovery. I love the photo, but one aspect of it bugs me: where is it? There are definitely enough landmarks to figure that out (a river, a bay, an atoll off the coast), but the lack of any scale or orientation has made it a real toughie.

Does anyone have an idea where it is? Backing up your claim with a Google Maps URL would be ideal.

today we are all Londoners

“…nothing you do, however many of us you kill, will stop that flight to our city where freedom is strong and where people can live in harmony with one another. Whatever you do, however many you kill, you will fail.”
- Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London

Full text of his statement below.
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for some values of ‘freedom’

A Boston Globe article raises a good point about the “current situation in Falluja”: The city has been “secured” by the simple method of removing all its residents and shooting anyone who remained. The problem with that winning strategy? Letting anyone back in.
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