When will people learn that advertising doesn’t work on the Web? Apparently, not until they try every colossally stupid idea first.
Category Archives: Technology
New Toyota Prius
Deb writes: Put this on your global blog and smoke it!:
Toyota announced a new Prius that manages to have more interior room and better gas mileage (about 55 mpg). They also reiterated that the hybird is profitable at its $20,000 price point.
Segway in France
Not sure if it will happen, but it would be nice to see Segway kiosks the next time we go to Paris. I’d love to be able to rent a couple of Segways at the train station, strap our bags to them, and zip over to the hotel. Tooling around the museums and such would be easier, too, especially if it’s easy enough to lug one onto the Metro. The Segway site has video examples of the kiosks, too.
Mother of all Demos
Ever wonder who thought up the mouse? Now you can watch the 1968 demo that introduced it to the world, along with hypertext, the “document”, WYSIWYG editing, and a host of other staples of modern computing.
Zip! Zoom!
One of my favorite concepts is a bit closer to reality. The Taxi 2000 corporation just announced the completion of a prototype Personal Rapid Transit system called SkyWeb Express. If put into wide use, such a system would provide a sustainable, low-cost, high-density, convenient form of transportation in urban areas.
Be sure to check out the Frequently Asked Questions about PRT and a rendering of what a PRT system might look like.