Beauty contestants… Poor things – they allow themselves to be displayed for the pleasure of the public, not realizing they’re being completely objectified (or in some cases, realizing but not caring). Only now it’s our cyber sisters being treated like…meat? Virtual meat?
Category Archives: Technology
Mobility is good.
I’m writing this on my way home from work. No, I’m not a danger to traffic; I’m on the bus with a Sidekick hiptop-style wireless device thingy. Typing on a thumb keyboard is slow, but hopefully I’ll be able to post to the blog more often. Now if I could just make this page look better on the built-in browser…
Mourning the EV1
It seems like 2003 is the year that my dream cars all die. First the Sparrow, and now the EV1.
More from the road trip!
Since Chris is being a gull durn spoilsport and hiding our photos (claims it has to do with something about file size, but I know it’s just out of spite), I have stayed up late, late putting together our very own we-don’t-need-global-spin Road Trip Web Site. I don’t know how often we’ll be able to update it, and I figure the brilliant (read: stupid) Flagstaff photos are gone forever, but there are some Sedona snapshots right now…
My car has arrived… again
Just in time to fill in for Corbin Motors, a new car company in Spokane has started producing the Tango, a half-lane 2-seater electric vehicle that gets 80 miles per charge and has a top speed of 130 mph. The Seattle Times has a great story about the car’s development. It looks like the price will be about $80,000 unfortunately, but hopefully that’ll make it’s way down to something reasonable in time for me to pick one up…