Category Archives: Technology

Mobility is good.

I’m writing this on my way home from work. No, I’m not a danger to traffic; I’m on the bus with a Sidekick hiptop-style wireless device thingy. Typing on a thumb keyboard is slow, but hopefully I’ll be able to post to the blog more often. Now if I could just make this page look better on the built-in browser…

More from the road trip!

Since Chris is being a gull durn spoilsport and hiding our photos (claims it has to do with something about file size, but I know it’s just out of spite), I have stayed up late, late putting together our very own we-don’t-need-global-spin Road Trip Web Site. I don’t know how often we’ll be able to update it, and I figure the brilliant (read: stupid) Flagstaff photos are gone forever, but there are some Sedona snapshots right now…

My car has arrived… again

Just in time to fill in for Corbin Motors, a new car company in Spokane has started producing the Tango, a half-lane 2-seater electric vehicle that gets 80 miles per charge and has a top speed of 130 mph. The Seattle Times has a great story about the car’s development. It looks like the price will be about $80,000 unfortunately, but hopefully that’ll make it’s way down to something reasonable in time for me to pick one up…