Category Archives: Holiday! Celebrate!

Happy Birthday, Deb!

It’s that time of year again! The day to celebrate Debby, botanizer extraordinaire and frequent Global Spin contributor. Hopefully she doesn’t have to work today, but if so I hope the sheep do a little “song and dance number”: for her. Happy Birthday!

banned books week

It’s Banned Books Week, a time to celebrate our (rapidly shrinking) ability to read stuff that other people tell us not to. So go “do something naughty”: and maybe read a book, too.

happy yarrrrr day

Since it’s “International Talk Like A Pirate Day”:, you might enjoy Ben’s first joke:

bq. What does a pirate dog say?

bq. Arrrrrrrf.

Thank you folks, he’s here all week. Now cleanse your palate with something “actually funny”: