Because I’ve already stated that I wouldn’t follow a depressing article with another, I bring you this photo of an adorable kitten.
Monthly Archives: August 2006
flight of the grumble bees
When you heard about the latest “foiled terror plot!!1!” was your first reaction disbelief? Did you think to yourself, “Great. They’re going to use this as an excuse to ban everything but Skymall from being carried on an airplane.” I sure did, and apparently, I was not alone.
Covering (Up) Climate Change
Well, seems that there is indeed a conspiracy.
Giving Weight to Childhood Baggage
Families Weight Comments May Harm Girls for Years is the title of the article. This may seem obvious, but I sure wish someone had pointed that out to my parents. You know, diet programs at age eleven are 1) never a very good idea and 2) really hard on one’s self esteem, not to mention waistline. I have heard that kids will self-regulate their eating quite unselfconsciously. Thus, if one presents healthy options — both for eating and excercise — that should be all the “commentary” necessary.
This is cool in a creepy “this could really advance science, but what about our impending robot masters?” sort of way. But hey, the “animat” — which is bascially a bunch of neurons on a circuit board that moves a virtual mouse — is still a far cry from Mr. Data.