Monthly Archives: March 2006
another three-year anniversary
…but unlike some, a happy one! A little over three years ago, my “Hello, World!” post inaugurated Global Spin, The Blog. (Previously, it was just Global Spin, The Sometimes-Updated Site with News In Reverse Chronological Order.)
It seems appropriate that today is the day I flip the switch on the new WordPress blog, in all its not-customized-yet glory. Happy reading, and thank you!
do not attempt to adjust your set
Global Spin has moved! If you can read this, that means you’re looking at the new improved site and not the old and busted site. Congratulations!
ladies, remember to check in with Bill
mercury and autism: the battle continues
David Kirby’s blog over at the Huffington Post poses an interesting question: Why is the AAP quietly opposing increased funding for autism research? His proposed answer is that the AAP doesn’t want to rock the boat about vaccines, and current lines of research into thimerosal (or environmental contaminants, etc) as an autism factor might do just that.