Yearly Archives: 2005

banned books week

It’s Banned Books Week, a time to celebrate our (rapidly shrinking) ability to read stuff that other people tell us not to. So go “do something naughty”: and maybe read a book, too.

an eventful week

We just launched a complete redesign at work. The site is now called “Eventful”:, and it’s geared toward making event sharing as engaging as possible. (The company is still called EVDB, but I won’t mind if you call it Eventful too. It’s easier to pronounce.) As I posted in a “comment this morning”:

bq. We worked like crazed beavers to get the new site out. Please do check out the new search features, the all-new social networking, and the brand-new levels of privacy on everything from calendars to venues. And the spiffy new sticker for adding events to your blog.

Once you have, please please please “let us know”: what you like (and especially what you don’t). We’re still working like crazed beavers on that next rev…

happy yarrrrr day

Since it’s “International Talk Like A Pirate Day”:, you might enjoy Ben’s first joke:

bq. What does a pirate dog say?

bq. Arrrrrrrf.

Thank you folks, he’s here all week. Now cleanse your palate with something “actually funny”: