What can we do? Stick figures everywhere are in severe danger!
Yearly Archives: 2005
banned books week
It’s Banned Books Week, a time to celebrate our (rapidly shrinking) ability to read stuff that other people tell us not to. So go “do something naughty”:http://www.ala.org/ala/oif/bannedbooksweek/actionguide/actionguide.htm and maybe read a book, too.
an eventful week
We just launched a complete redesign at work. The site is now called “Eventful”:http://eventful.com, and it’s geared toward making event sharing as engaging as possible. (The company is still called EVDB, but I won’t mind if you call it Eventful too. It’s easier to pronounce.) As I posted in a “comment this morning”:http://paul.kedrosky.com/archives/001788.html:
bq. We worked like crazed beavers to get the new site out. Please do check out the new search features, the all-new social networking, and the brand-new levels of privacy on everything from calendars to venues. And the spiffy new sticker for adding events to your blog.
Once you have, please please please “let us know”:http://eventful.com/feedback what you like (and especially what you don’t). We’re still working like crazed beavers on that next rev…
Finding the Silver Lining of Any Disaster
Ah, The Onion as ever finds the most succinct way to sum it all up when it comes to companies like Haliburton.
happy yarrrrr day
Since it’s “International Talk Like A Pirate Day”:http://www.talklikeapirate.com/piratehome.html, you might enjoy Ben’s first joke:
bq. What does a pirate dog say?
bq. Arrrrrrrf.
Thank you folks, he’s here all week. Now cleanse your palate with something “actually funny”:http://www.partiallyclips.com/itlapd.php.