How about some Chinese space program propaganda?
Edited to Add: Oh my God. Scroll all the way down. Seriously.
How about some Chinese space program propaganda?
Edited to Add: Oh my God. Scroll all the way down. Seriously.
Aaargh, despite me tone, this is serious stuff me maties! Take a look…
I don’t have the right phone to get these neat Eddie Izzard ring tones but some of you might (Chris, I’m looking at you). For the rest of us, you can at least listen to them on the site above. Just press the buttons on the little phone picture.
Here’s a follow-up to my earlier post on “this administration’s budget priorities”: A recent “PIPA study”: shows that most Americans have similar budget priorities, but those priorities are very different from the budget proposed by the President and Congress.
_ìThe American public as a whole takes a fairly coherent position. They favor redirecting a portion of defense spending to deficit reduction and social spending and look for savings by cutting spending on large-scale Cold War style capabilities…î_
Fancy that. We all agree, red-staters and blue-staters alike. So why aren’t our representatives being representative?
Want to become the next big name in science? It’s easy: “solve one of these nagging questions”: and you’re almost guaranteed a Nobel prize.
I particularly like number 4, the effects of homeopathy. I actually use homeopathic remedies, and some of them have worked well. I just try not to dwell on the official explanation of why they work. (Bonus points for answering both 1 and 4 with the same theory.)