It’s true! A newly discovered carnivorous dinosaur from India has been named the “Rajasaurus”. It’s fun…
Yearly Archives: 2003
Action… um… Dubya?
You’re not going to believe this. I have no response to it, other than picturing thousands of kids acting out this Onion article. Or something.
UPDATE – I just realized why the action figure’s head looks wrong. They gave him eyes.
Meanwhile, back in Iraq…
Just a reminder that life in Iraq is still hell under the American occupation. Please do remember that when Bush says that war was justified for whatever stupid reason he’s come up with this week.
Canadianisms, eh?
If, like me, you read For Better or For Worse this morning and wondered what Pogos and poutine are, here’s a handy American’s Guide to Canada. It’ll help you tell the difference between a klick, a pop, and a Beep.
More from the road trip!
Since Chris is being a gull durn spoilsport and hiding our photos (claims it has to do with something about file size, but I know it’s just out of spite), I have stayed up late, late putting together our very own we-don’t-need-global-spin Road Trip Web Site. I don’t know how often we’ll be able to update it, and I figure the brilliant (read: stupid) Flagstaff photos are gone forever, but there are some Sedona snapshots right now…