Yearly Archives: 2003

Me and the quiz thing again -

I’m breaking from all the political stuff to demonstrate a very accurate quiz. I’m well nigh obsessed with Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and I took yet another quizilla quiz that pegged my favorite from the fab five with extreme precision. The Queer Eye guy who is my type is:
Ted: Food & Wine Connoisseur

And it is, too! Yay! (Even though I find Kyan very, very attractive as well…)

You and Cancun

Why You Should Come to Cancun
By Starhawk

†††From September 10-15, the World Trade Organization will attempt to hold a ministerial in Cancun, Mexico. †They will be opposed by campesinos, students, international activists, NGOs, and a strong contingent of the Mayan Gods and Goddesses †(at least, in the form of giant puppets.) †Here’s why you should be there, too, if you possibly can-or in one of the many support actions around the globe if you can’t get to Cancun itself.
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The Bush Administration’s Senseless Need to Retaliate

The following is a quote from an Al Franken interview I read this morning, with an explanatory link thrown in. I don’t like this at all:

“So this is the mindset of the right, that they have to punish you. Joe Wilson, the former Gabon ambassador, was sent to Niger by the CIA and came back and said the uranium claims weren’t true. And when the controversy started broiling again about the 16 words in the State of the Union address and Wilson wrote the piece in New York Times, senior administration officials blew the cover on his wife, who was a covert [CIA] operative. And it jeopardized the lives not only of her contacts but every American, because she was a covert agent in weapons of mass destruction. And it’s a way of intimidating other analysts who might come forward, and there’s a parallel here: You will be punished if you come after us.

I really think the Wilson thing is the most disgraceful action of any White House since Iran Contra.”