Now THIS makes me happy! Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Yay yay yay….!
Yearly Archives: 2003
Hair Apparent
I think we’re all pleased to learn about the World Beard and Moustache Championships.
Safety Space
Look my dad’s in the news and he’s got some really good things to say about NASA’s lack of safety awareness.
“Lie Back and Think of England”
An outdated outlook about a wife’s womanly duties? Maybe, but everything old is new again. In fact, Dr. Laura’s new book gives just this advice. As the New York Post paraphrases her argument, “Husbands need sex, and it’s a wife’s job to provide it – as much as he wants, whenever he wants it.”
Sorry I’m posting so much, but I just had to share. :-)
Are you a Bright?
I guess I am, although I’m not sure about that word. Here’s Richard Dawkins’ take on the matter from Wired.