If this doesn’t make you run screaming from any whiff of a diet, I don’t know what will.
Yearly Archives: 2003
Fun! (If nausea is fun, and who knows?)
When Chris and Karen take Sea Monkey to Disney World, Dad can get some first-hand space sim experience. Perfect family vacation, and Aunt Deana can come along too.
Oh, Crap.
As Karen says, Governor-elect Actor-pants is in.
He has two years (or so) to prove that he can successfully manage the world’s 5th-largest economy.
Happy Birthday, Deana!
Our very own Deana turns mumble mumble today! Let’s all wish her a…
~chris the subtle
UPDATE: As it turns out, our very own Jaime will turn twentymumble this upcoming Saturday!
Happy Birthday, Big Guy!
Eddie Izzard as Doctor Who?
Fun! It looks like the BBC is going to revive Doctor Who in 2005, and a previous Doctor has said that Eddie Izzard will get the role. I wholeheartedly approve.
Between this and the greenlighting of the Hitchhiker’s Guide movie, it looks like an interesting stretch of British humor is upon us.