Category Archives: Community & Activism

Poor Taste, Indeed

This is a very good article, titled Poor Taste, on Grist debunking a recent anti-sustainable, anti-organic and anti-local food rant in The Economist that even invokes one of the chief architects of the ill-fated Green Revolution.

I mean, point well taken that creating a truly environmentally conscious and sustainable food system is NOT just limited to what you put in your grocery cart, but that is no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater . . . Heck, in this case, they are throwing out the entire bathtub.

happy new year, nantes style

As Jaime would say, “Sweet Nantes!

Hundreds of protesters in France have rung in the New Year by holding a light-hearted march against it.

Parodying the French readiness to say “non”, the demonstrators in the western city of Nantes waved banners reading: “No to 2007″ and “Now is better!”

The marchers called on governments and the UN to stop time’s “mad race” and declare a moratorium on the future.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Peace Reigns in Colorado

My brother Carl sent me this update. Go, Pagosa Springs!

Here’s a quote from the above article that made me happy: “In any case, there are now more peace symbols in Pagosa Springs, a town of 1,700 people 200 miles southwest of Denver, than probably ever in its history.

On Tuesday morning, 20 people marched through the center carrying peace signs and then stomped a giant peace sign in the snow perhaps 300 feet across on a soccer field, where it could be easily seen.”

If you can’t use a NY Times link, here’s another.

it’s time for this war to end

I was originally going to write another post about the cost of the ongoing occupation of Iraq, but two people far more important than I am have written things you should read instead.

First, bask in the calm brilliance that is Keith Olbermann’s response to the president’s recent comments on Vietnam.   If you didn’t catch it, Mr. Bush went to Vietnam and told the American public the lesson he thinks he’s learned from that long, bloody mess: “We’ll succeed unless we quit.”  (No, I’m not making this up.)

Second, take part in what might prove to be the antidote to such bloody-minded idiocy.  Senator Barbara Boxer has created an online petition calling for the president to begin redeploying U.S. troops out of Iraq now.  (Emphasis hers.)  I usually advise against Internet petitions because they don’t have any teeth, but this one is different.  It’s being sponsored by an official representative with some real power (especially now), so it has at least some chance of being heard.  There’s more information in her press release about the petition, which makes some compelling arguments itself.

So read Keith to get fired up, then go do something about it.

help out a fellow space geek

UPDATE: It worked! Here’s the latest:

It is official, Kayla won the contest and the title of NASA’s Greatest Fan! Thank you for all your votes. We don’t have all the details yet, but we’re off to (hopefully) see the shuttle launch!

Excited beyond words,

See the original post below:

From Jennifer, a Global Spin reader and my teammate from Space Camp:

Since I am not a US citizen, I couldn’t enter a contest to win the title of ‘NASA’s greatest fan’ but my friend Kayla did, and she made it to the finals. The prize – a trip for two (her and I) to Florida to watch the space shuttle launch! You all know it’s my life-long dream to see a launch, so make it a reality and vote! Vote lots – the more votes the merrier, and there is no limit!

vote for ‘Mars Mates Forever’ by Kayla

You heard her, folks. Vote early and often. Show the raw power of the Global Spin!

The site is a bit wonky to navigate, but you can watch any of the videos and then click “Vote for your favorite” to go to the voting ‘survey’. ‘Mars Mates Forever’ is the one with the photo of two flight-suit-clad adventurers looking defiantly skyward. It seems to allow you to vote as many times as you wish, so click it a couple dozen times for good measure.