Category Archives: Community & Activism

Textiles can do good, doing well

Just when you were beginning to think that it would never do anyone any good, voting with your dollar makes a difference. An effort by textile companies and the government of Lesotho has brought the textile industry back from near disaster to near fighting strength again, in large part thanks to the “government… working hard to become a destination of ethical choice”. Makes you renew your faith in checking labels.

Foundation for the Advancement of Women in Religion

My ordination sister, Kila, just founded The Foundation for the Advancement of Women in Religion. This foundation will offer scholarships, sponsorships and project funding for women who are working on religious issues (hint, hint Deana!). They are currently looking for members to join the organization to help get it off the ground. Their Board of Directors includes some impressive wimmin, including M. Macha Nightmare and Patricia Monaghan. Figured this group might want to click on over, take a look and maybe even join like I just did!

what kind of freak are you?

I’m working on a set of t-shirts for the Global Spin community (plus a secret project I’ll unveil later this month). I have a couple designs mocked up already and a decent place to make and sell them, and I’ve run into a bit of a snag.

There are too many kinds of freaks.

That’s ordinarily not a problem for us. We protect our freaks, no matter what kind. But I’m having trouble thinking of a complete list, let alone designs for them all, so I need your help. Where should I start? What kind of freak are you?

  • Transit Freak
  • Neat Freak
  • Sci-Fi Freak
  • Space Freak
  • Plant Freak
  • Super-Freak
  • Geek Freak
  • just plain Freak
  • other (specify)
  • some kinda freak, i’m not sure what
  • I’m not a freak, freak!

And remember, this is for posterity so be honest. Include as many categories as you think apply. For instance, I’m a Transit Freak, a Sci-Fi Freak, a Space Freak, a Science Freak, and a Geek Freak. Like they say: I’m not just the founder, I’m a client.

So let your freakness shine. What kind of freak are you, anyway?

UPDATE: Just to be clear, I’m looking for your complete list, not just the freakishness that isn’t on the list yet.  Be complete!