Category Archives: Fun

International Mustache Month

Let it be known that I, Chris Radcliff, will refrain from shaving my beard for the entire month of February 2008. Why, you may ask? For the challenge:

The idea is simple: grow your beard throughout February, then shave back to a glorious mustache for a gala beer party at the end of the month.

On this site, we will chronicle the saga of the hairiest month, detail the ever-important rules, and provide a home for temporarily mustachioed men to unite.

More to follow, including regular updates on Apache Beard’s progress toward Mustacheland.

why kids play with the box instead

This is probably old news to all of you, but it’s good to get confirmation from developmental psychologists that electronic “educational toys” aren’t so educational after all:

Old-fashioned retro toys, such as red rubber balls, simple building blocks, clay and crayons, that don’t cost so much and are usually hidden in the back shelves are usually much healthier for children than the electronic educational toys, says Temple University developmental psychologist Kathy Hirsh-Pasek.

BarCamp San Diego 2 this weekend

OK, this time I’m the one who’s out of the loop. :) This weekend (Nov 10-11), San Diego revisits its very own BarCamp, and it’s shaping up to be even better than the last. (Better except in one regard: I can’t attend this time around.)

Topics so far include Rails, Twitter, college, marketing 2.0, online storytelling, and blackjack. There’s even a Wii Bowling Tournament planned, so be sure to stop by. You won’t be disappointed.