Category Archives: Food

traditional irish snog

Mike came up with a tasty combo this weekend: Silk Nog and Bailey’s Irish Cream. The best part is that if you squint when reading the labels you could consider it “good for you”. For those of you who are recipe-impaired, here’s a run-down:

8 oz. Silk Nog (the “‘snog’”:, aka soy nog)
1 oz. Bailey’s Irish Cream (the “Irish”, aka “what we had in the cabinet”)
Blend until blended. Drink until -drunk- done.
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Fair Brewing

It just so happens that I have a friend in the coffee and tea business. Better yet, they do fair trade, organic coffee and tea. Plus, I’ve got a can of their coffee beans sitting on my desk that I get to sniff at regular intervals. Yum!

Don’t you wish you were me? Well, you can be! Check out Taylor Maid Farms

Either that, or we can check out their store in Sebastopol someday . . .

[Ed note: Scripps alums among us might note the use of a La Semeuse-type figure for their logo.]