Yearly Archives: 2007

Mind in the Gutter, Knickers in a Twist

Now, here’s something you don’t see everyday: Flushed Bra Causes Sewer Collapse. This was just so rich I had to quote the article here:

Flushed bra which caused sewer collapse

The bra was recovered from the sewer by engineers

A bra and a pair of knickers have been blamed for a flood and road collapse in County Durham.

Northumbrian Water said the underwear was flushed down a toilet and caused a blockage in a sewage pipe in Middleton-St-George, near Darlington. Heavy rain, together with a build up of grease and fat, caused the pipe to burst and the road above to collapse. The road will remain closed for days and Northumbrian Water estimates repairs will cost more than £15,000. The company has now urged residents to think carefully about what they flush away.

‘Offending items’

A spokeswoman said: “If the underwear had not been flushed down the toilet, this would not have happened. It was very irresponsible behaviour. When we dug down to inspect the damage, we found a bra and knickers had snagged itself across the nine-inch diameter of the pipe. There was also a heavy build-up of grease and fat, which contributed to the situation. We were forced to repair a 2m section of sewer and a 10m section of road was affected. These pipes are not designed to carry bras and knickers.” The spokeswoman said it was impossible to trace the owners of the underwear.

She added: “Unfortunately no-one wants to even touch the offending items. They will remain bagged for a time and then disposed of properly.”

crawling, crawling toward victory

Work on the Accursed Screenplay has been slow, but I’m plodding away. (“Plodding” isn’t exacly the word one wants associated with a film script, but whatever.) I’m actually kind of proud of the progress I’ve made so far. Dialogue isn’t my strongest suit, but I’ve been able to discover new things about my characters just by what they’ve said in the first 20 pages. That feels pretty good, whether I end up finishing on time or not. Which I will, assuming I can write 1500 words a day from now on.

Word count so far: 4,019.

three people who have never been in my kitchen

Watch Deana on Jeopardy!Guess who’s going to be on Jeopardy! this week?

No, not me. I’d choke up like a vegan at a hot-dog eating contest. The Global Spin community is much better represented by Deana, if this 10-second teaser video is any indication.

Deana appears this Friday, June 22nd. Check your local listings, etc, and watch with us. (Seriously, how often is it that I actually recommend watching television?)

UPDATE: An article at GVNow has more details.

Happy Birthday, Karen!

Yes, it’s that’s time of year again, Flag Day (aka Karen’s little section of the solar system). We are once again in that little section of earth’s orbit where Karen was born. And to celebrate, I found This page, all about women who are always “Karen.” It’s sort of lame, but oddly appropriate…