Category Archives: Religion

oy vey, Maria

Ave Maria is a town in Florida being built by Tom Monaghan, founder of Domino’s Pizza and devout Catholic. Features include lower-than-median home prices, walkable streets, and (if Tom has his way) no contraceptives for sale anywhere.

I immediately thought of Karen and Deana when I read the article. Sounds like a fascinating place to study.

ok, so science and religion aren’t always friends

I just read a fascinating (if a bit slanted) LA Times article about “genetic evidence that Native Americans aren’t descendants of the Hebrews”:,0,5561316.story. It probably doesn’t come as a shock to most of us, but apparently it’s a big deal to Mormons who were converted to that faith based on their “Lamanite heritage”. Anyway, I’m not doing the article justice. Read it; it has an interesting set of twists and turns.