Category Archives: Politics

It’s good to have allies

Since many folks seem surprised when I tell them about the Bush adminstration’s latest problems with Medicare, jobs, WMD, mercury, and a host of other issues, I figured a link to the House Committee on Government Reform Minority Office was in order.

That’s a mouthful, but basically it’s an inside-the-beltway watchdog group investigating, among other things, the Administration’s duplicitous statements about public policy. (i.e. the aforementioned Lies and Lying Liars.)

Bush Evades Own Trade Ban

From today’s Daily Mislead:

According to a new report, President Bush’s official campaign is selling clothing made in Burma – a country whose goods Bush banned for sale in the U.S. because of their awful human rights, narcotics and sex trafficking record. According to Newsday, “the merchandise sold on includes a $49.95 fleece pullover, embroidered with the Bush-Cheney ’04 logo and bearing a label stating it was made in Burma, now Myanmar.

Read the rest and be sure to sign up for the e-mail newsletter. It’s good stuff.

Howard Dean, Person

I just read this and thought you might find it interesting:

Howard Dean is not a soap bar

“The man is interesting, like him or not, and that’s a rarity in US politics where candidates are as exciting as toothpaste or underarm deodorant, because that’s exactly how they want us to view them, as products, not people. Enter Howard Dean, person.”