All posts by Chris

the tale of Apache Beard: peril and distress

apache beard day 12And it came on the tenth day, as a dream in the night. Our hero was defeated, shaven to the smooth skin of a baby, cut down before his time. But upon awakening, the hero found himself whole and untouched, filled with a new purpose. Oh, and itching like crazy. Therefore the Beard found itself buoyed by the thought of not just victory, but a day devoted to celebration and hairy merriment:

Others might not understand, but those kind of people drink soy milk lattes and wear designer non-prescription glasses. One day you and I will face the world together, every day. Until that day there will be one day, The Day, the day of days, El Dia Del Mustache.

And the hero was uncertain. Would he be worthy of this new challenge?

wanting to be found

It’s difficult to find old high-school friends on the Web. Many of them don’t have any reason to publish pages with bylines or about themselves. It’s even harder when their names have changed since they left school (i.e. most of my friends from that time). That makes it tough to do a casual “where are they now?” search on Google. Social networks like Facebook don’t help much if you’ve been out of school more than a decade, and alumni-finder sites tend to be horrible little pay-for-everything silos.

I realize that many people probably don’t want to be found under their old names, but I do, because there were some really cool people I knew back then and I know they’ve probably come into their own since. Even if they don’t have reason to publish on the Web, they might find themselves doing a casual search for my old name, so I’d like to help that link to my current online identity. The best way I’ve come up with is to make a simple Chris Craig at UCHS page that does nothing but link to my profile here. I’m hoping that’ll be enough to make the connection in the Googlebrain, but we’ll see.

Any other ideas? Have you run into this problem yourself?

the tale of Apache Beard: a bold beginning

apache beard day 5And the hair, it came forth as though carried on a wave. And the chin was covered, and the cheeks, and the bits just under the ears, and the neck almost down to the chest. But alas, the upper lip stayed bereft, as least as far as anyone might tell. And the prophet spake again thusly:

On the whole, you should expect to start seeing telling results within a week, and some sort of “beard” thing within two. And no, there is no way to speed this up. Don’t go buying products advertising otherwise.

And the family rejoiced, and the friends were sore afraid.

why i’m voting for Obama

Obama posterNext week Tuesday is going to be a pretty big day for voting. Not the most important day, of course, but to me it officially inaugurates the choosing-a-president season. And for the first time since I started voting, my favorite candidate is still on the ballot with a real chance of winning.

I won’t tell you who to vote for. (Assuming you get to vote in a primary at all. Sorry, Deana!) There are plenty of ways to make up your own mind, but just in case it sheds some light, here’s why I’m voting for Barack Obama:

  1. He’ll get us out of Iraq, and do it honorably. I don’t need to reiterate just how much of a mess our invasion of Iraq has been. Barack’s not a military guy, but I think we need be a lot less militaristic. Getting out of Iraq without completely destroying the country is going to take some hard work and honest evaluation, which brings me to:
  2. If there was a Big Nerd Party, he’d be the chairman. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: This country needs a Big Nerd in charge, someone who’ll take a real interest in solving problems and making things work. Someone who uses reason and judgment to make decisions instead of polls or influence or random pronouncements by deities. Our last Big Nerd in high office was Al Gore, and I think he deserves a lot of the credit for the 90s boom years. Barack talks like a smoothie, but he has a podcast for cryin’ out loud. Nerd!
  3. He’ll restore the world’s faith in us. The dollar sucks, our foreign policy is a nightmare, and we’re being led by a guy who can’t pronounce “nuclear.” Credibility in the world’s eyes will be difficult to regain, but electing someone who’s thoughtful, competent, and a stirring speaker will go a long way. I’d personally like to stop having to apologize for our leaders.

So that’s me. What do you think?