Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?!?

Just in case you had any misconceptions about where this country is headed. This site is called The Project for the Old American Century — created in response to The Project for the New American Century. Not that the ol’ American century was that great, but it’s better than the alternative “new” one.

2 thoughts on “Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?!?

  1. Abso-flippin-lutely.

    To steal a quote from a friend from high school, “I miss Clinton.”

    Remember the good ol’ days when we could elect our leaders? Heck, remember the good ol’ days when we could take our own water on airplanes?

  2. Sigh… I remember feeling patriotic and having that be unqualified. Now, I question what that means and am afraid to say it to people I don’t know well.

    Remember not feeling scared?

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