Cheap-labor Conservatives

Oooh, Deb’s going to love this one: Defeat the right in three minutes.

Be sure to read it all the way through. The argument may seem oversimplified, but it provides a lever to achieve some really astute observations. The author’s weblog takes the discussion further.

If you’ve ever found it difficult to understand the behavior of Cheap-Labor Conservatives (and I have), this may just shed some light.

2 thoughts on “Cheap-labor Conservatives

  1. That’s GREAT! Now why didn’t I think of that?

    I was listening to KPFA (Pacifica Radio) the other day and they broadcast a speech by Bill Moyer (I think) who was talking about Karl Rove (=Bush’s brain) modeling Bush’s presidency on President McKinley’s (late 19th century). Apparently these guys were in bed with the fledging coporations even then; I guess you might call it the original cheap-labor conservative presidency.

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