The New York Times’ Frank Rich has written a compelling opinion piece called The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan, with specific emphasis on the (hopefully continued) failure of the Bush administration to contain growing dissent against the occupation of Iraq.
Category Archives: Politics
Coulter: “We have the media now!”
What? The media is not liberal? My own little brother (he’s 32, okay, and over 6 feet tall, but he’s my little brother) heard Ann Coulter make this interesting proclamation on the Sean Hannity show. He posted about it on Democratic Underground, and his post was eventually picked up by Crooks and Liars! And finally someone connected to Crooks and Liars put up this link to the Coulter audio.
And I am his proud, leftie big sis! You go get Ann, little bro’!
Not Your Daddy’s GOP
“Other than telling us how to live, think, marry, pray, vote, invest,
educate our children and, now, die, I think the Republicans have
done a fine job of getting government out of our personal lives.”
— Sunday Portland Oregonian
adventures of governor flash
Can’t figure out how to solve real problems? Take a tip from the Governator: “make up your own problem and solve it”: as a little pick-me-up.
wanted: mayor
Whew! That caught me by surprise. How was I to know that the “mayor of San Diego resigning”: would be national news?
My favorite part:
_”Councilman Michael Zucchet, the city’s deputy mayor, will become acting mayor. Zucchet, who faces a federal trial next month for allegedly accepting bribes from the owner of a strip club, defended the mayor as an honorable man whose resignation took courage.”_
I’m relieved to know the city will be in good hands.