Category Archives: Fun

three people who have never been in my kitchen

Watch Deana on Jeopardy!Guess who’s going to be on Jeopardy! this week?

No, not me. I’d choke up like a vegan at a hot-dog eating contest. The Global Spin community is much better represented by Deana, if this 10-second teaser video is any indication.

Deana appears this Friday, June 22nd. Check your local listings, etc, and watch with us. (Seriously, how often is it that I actually recommend watching television?)

UPDATE: An article at GVNow has more details.

BarCamp San Diego this weekend

I’ve been negligent in my event-reporting duties. This weekend (June 2-3) San Diego gets its very own BarCamp, and I’ll be there along with lots of awesome people. Topics so far include programming, photography, yoga, knitting, metal fabrication, and monkeys.  (Yes, the last one is mine.)

If you’re in the San Diego area and have a bit of spare time this weekend, stop on by! You’re guaranteed to have a great time.