Help out our own Jaime Ryan by voting for his incredibly cute dog in a photo contest. If the photo wins, Jaime gets a nice framed print of it.
All posts by Chris
A heady time for space geeks
The Washington Post has a good summary article on the NASA Mars rovers and comet mission, with photos. I’m already using the latest photo as my desktop background, but I’m really looking forward to seeing the full panorama when it arrives.
One step closer to the universal translator
Sorry, no time for a synopsis of this one:
Bush in 30 Seconds
MoveOn is sponsoring a contest to find a 30-second commercial that summarizes all the reasons why Bush shouldn’t be re-elected. They were more successful than they thought. Over 1000 potential ads were entered, so they need your help to judge the ads and pick your favorites. You don’t have to watch them all; just 20 at a time whenever you can. Who knows; you might find a real gem!
Basics of Space Flight
This is more a note to myself than anything, but you might find it interesting as well. JPL has put together an overview called the Basics of Space Flight, covering topics like orbital mechanics, experiments, and communication. It’s supposed to have a bent toward unmanned missions, but a lot of the principles are the same. I look forward to reading it.