Sorry, guys, but this is just so gross that I have to share. I don’t know what’s worse: the legs or the missing upper half . . .
_[Editor's note: the link goes to a "lap pillow" shaped like a woman's lap. Just thought I'd mention that, since I expected to find a decapitiation scene. ~c]_
_ìI think this may be good for single men, but it could cause trouble for someone who is married…î_
Um, yeah. Prospective girlfriends tend to frown on having half-dressed polyurethane body parts around for recreational purposes, too. Just a tip, guys.
I _can_ imagine this becoming popular at college dorms. That probably says more about the dorms than the pillows, though.
Ah, c’mon Chris, you took all the fun out of it with your Ed. note! ;)
OK, so I’m too squeamish for my own site. :)
I’m too used to Slashdot, where you always have to be on guard when clicking onAAAAAUGH!! TURN IT OFF!!! TURN IT OFFFF!#$%
Oh, it’s not that bad. Kind of sweet in a way. I wonder if there are any plans to make (men’s) chest pillows. That would be on the far side of tacky, but there you go. But I guess y’all have problems with parts of people rather than whole bodies.