Here’s something random: a person who categorized everything he ate by calorie content, then compiled a sorted list with pictures. It’s worth reading for the bizarre meal choices (like hot dog water) and humorous notes on each meal, like:
Coke (without ice) contains 1,493 kilocalories per gallon, Gasoline (without ice) contains 31,000 kilocalories per gallon, so the energy density of gasoline is 20 times greater than Coca-cola.
Um, yeah. Just like that.
Oh my God, he filled an ice cream cone with chunky peanut butter! That’s a lot of peanut butter. I’m both attracted and repulsed…
His last photo is just wrong. Bleh.
This guy seems to have lots of funny stuff on his site. In the ‘Incredible Stuff I Made’ section, check out ‘Fire without Matches’ (where he tries for a week to light fire using the Tom Hanks/Castaway method) and ‘Paparazzi Costume’ (where he ingeniously creates a Halloween costume that I’m thinking about stealing).