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June 25, 2005
back in the saddle again
It's good to be back on CPAN. It's been over a year since Apache::PSP went 1.0, and I haven't had much chance to come up with publicly-useful Perl modules since then. That's why it felt really good to post the EVDB::API module for work.
It's a spiffed-up version of a module Chuck (our CTO) wrote for internal use, but the fact that it's out there now makes it even cooler. (Well, that and the API it actually uses.) I'm actually starting to get excited in that "hey, someone's actually going to use this" sort of way.
If you're interested and have a Perl install laying around, try this:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install EVDB::API'
...and let me know what happens.