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January 09, 2006

autism quotient

I'm not sure what to do with it, but my Autism Quotient is 29, apparently ranked "above average".

Posted by Chris at January 9, 2006 11:42 AM


Well, I'm a 9 but K is a 33. So, Chris, you and her can go rock in a room together and flap your hands. ;)

Kind of an unfair test, though, as shy or introverted people will naturally score higher.

Posted by: deb at January 9, 2006 07:45 PM

Yes, I wondered about that. At times the questions seemed more along the lines of the MBTI, making me think that truly autistic people would score as INTJ or something. If that's true, a simple sliding scale wouldn't give nearly as much insight, especially with such a negative connotation at one end.

Posted by: Chris at January 10, 2006 06:27 AM

So I scored a 29, but it got me to wondering about what other things could be said about people with the information gleaned in this questionnaire. I would make a lousy mathematician, yet I'm fascinated by numbers, birthdates, dates, strings of numbers (like license plates), etc. I'm terrified of social situations and new experiences but I make myself do them because I like that I did them afterwards. So do I register as autistic or just weird? It's interesting...

Posted by: Karen at January 10, 2006 08:52 AM

To no one's great surprise, I scored a 10. Some of the questions puzzled me slightly, seeming to indicate that certain things I find completely, unthinkingly basic might actually be difficult to other people (like knowing when it's your turn to speak on the phone). I think the extravert/introvert thing is definitely at play.

The test might be presupposing that people who avoid social contact might get uncomfortably overstimulated by others and that this is WHY they avoid social contact. That would be a somewhat autistic response, but there could be other reasons that aren't autistic.

Posted by: Deana at January 10, 2006 05:02 PM

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Posted by: autistic at February 18, 2006 04:35 PM

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