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December 23, 2005
it's a lot like life
From yesterday's New Scientist:
The first evidence that some of the basic organic building blocks of life can exist in an Earth-like orbit around a young Sun-like star has been provided by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
Nicely done. I can't wait to go visit some of these places...
Posted by Chris at December 23, 2005 11:24 AM
Ooo. Wonderful! Wouldn't it be keen to be able to watch the evolution of life on a planet like this? Visit such a place? Feel the heat of an alien, yet not-so-different sun on your face? Oh, but we couldn't, could we? What is the chance we'd contaminate a virgin planet with bacteria from our own world? Ah, the questions...
Posted by: Karen at December 28, 2005 12:34 PM