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December 14, 2005

amazing century-old color photos

The Library of Congress is running an exhibit of color photographs from the 1900s reconstructed from three-color glass plates taken by a Russian experimental photographer. The process is fascinating, but the photos themselves are truly extraordinary. My favorite is "View of the Nilova Monastery", which looks like more a fairytale castle photo from a 1960s Disney adventure film than pre-revolution Russia.

[Thanks to Patrick for pointing this out to me.]

Posted by Chris at December 14, 2005 10:14 AM


How stupid am I? My brain is going, "But...but...surely the world wasn't in COLOR back then!"

Posted by: Deana at December 14, 2005 12:31 PM

These are beautiful. I had seen the image on the main page before somewhere.

Posted by: Parand T Darugar at December 14, 2005 06:05 PM

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