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December 02, 2005

gettin' hitched, south africa style

Nicely done, South Africa! Their highest court just ruled that same-sex marriages have the same rights as opposite-sex marriages. It might get overruled by the legislature, but that's not considered likely.

Posted by Chris at December 2, 2005 05:03 PM


Woo! I wondered who else would post this before I did. Geez, you know it's bad when South Africa--South Africa, people! Land of diamonds, thinly-veiled-still-apartheid, AIDS-is-not-caused-by-unprotected-sex--South Africa is considering same-sex marriage/civil marriage/legal cootchie coo. I swear, it must be having a queen that does it. Or something.

kharold is happyxasperated!

Posted by: Karen at December 2, 2005 07:25 PM

Um. I didn't mean the queen thing the way it sounded. Um, I meant it kind of like Charles-is-a-dweeb-but-his-mum's-awfully-nifty kind of way.

Though, if we had a queen, maybe we'd make some progress? If W. could do a Ru Paul there might be hope for the world.

Posted by: Karen at December 2, 2005 07:27 PM

Well, it just increases our "we'll run away to [insert country]" choices. If you look closely, you'll even find people there with my last name, so it might be a good option. ;)

Posted by: deb at December 4, 2005 04:36 PM

P.S. Never thought I'd see RuPaul and W in the same sentence.

Posted by: deb at December 4, 2005 04:37 PM

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