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May 04, 2005

Brazil is standing up to the man

From the Guardian:

Brazil yesterday became the first country to take a public stand against the Bush administration's massive Aids programme which is seen by many as seeking increasingly to press its anti-abortion, pro-abstinence sexual agenda on poorer countries.

In other words, they decided it wasn't worth $40 million to make bad public health decisions. Go, Brazil!

Posted by Chris at May 4, 2005 09:19 AM


Our aid policy is embarrassing. By judging those being given aid we condemn huge numbers of people to miserable outcomes (like illness and unwanted pregnancy) and death. What happened to those "Christian values" like decency, compassion, understanding? Grr. Hypocrisy raises my hackles.

Posted by: Karen at May 6, 2005 01:27 PM

we protect our freaks

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