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April 13, 2005
Fundamentalists Flee In Terror!
I may have found a group to believe in: Unitarian Jihad. I found myself drawn to them, my world-view altered, my spirit lifted, when I read such charismatic phrases as, "We will require all lobbyists, spokesmen and campaign managers to dress like trout in public." I could do with a few more trout and a few less lobbyists. Maybe that's just me.
Posted by Karen at April 13, 2005 12:13 PMComments
I found this....somewhere....and actually sent it to my entire Comparative Religions class Monday night. Since we had been talking about Unitarianism.
It made me happy.
Posted by: Deana at April 13, 2005 05:45 PM
There will be coffee and cookies in the Gandhi Room after the revolution.
Oh, this is exactly what I needed to read. Unitarian Jihad will definitely be on our holiday giving list this year.
Posted by: Chris at April 13, 2005 01:35 PM