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March 31, 2005

butterfly time

Walking to work this morning I saw a profusion of butterflies, flurries of them. From a distance they looked like leaves carried on the breeze, but as they fluttered past (so fast!) it was obvious they were on a mission. I think they were painted ladies flying their hearts out toward the desert and its new flowers.

Happy spring, everyone!

Posted by Chris at March 31, 2005 09:01 AM


I've been seeing those butterflies for a few days now. Last week I was in Vegas, took a side trip to Death Valley, and saw both an incredible number of wildflowers and their corresponding butterflies. I'll post some wildflower pictures in the next few days.

Posted by: Jaime at March 31, 2005 09:06 AM

No butterflies here yet, except for at Meijer Gardens. We've gone back into cool, rainy and gray (after sunny and 73 yesterday) but there HAVE been robins and I saw my first flowers of the year next to a warm air vent sticking out of one of the buildings at school. When I visit California now it astonishes me how flowers are a year-round thing. Daffodils are starting to push up. It will be nice when they bloom. And crocuses.

Posted by: Deana at March 31, 2005 10:18 AM

I was at UCSD today and they were all over, clouds of them, dipping and swaying and dancing fiercely. They made my trip so much more lovely than I expected. As I drove past the swathes of yellow flowers lining the freeway and Gilman Drive's canyon I thought, "Nice fast food for them!"

Posted by: Karen at March 31, 2005 01:03 PM

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