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March 18, 2005

gov't by the people

Here's a follow-up to my earlier post on this administration's budget priorities. A recent PIPA study shows that most Americans have similar budget priorities, but those priorities are very different from the budget proposed by the President and Congress.

“The American public as a whole takes a fairly coherent position. They favor redirecting a portion of defense spending to deficit reduction and social spending and look for savings by cutting spending on large-scale Cold War style capabilities...”

Fancy that. We all agree, red-staters and blue-staters alike. So why aren't our representatives being representative?

Posted by Chris at March 18, 2005 11:16 AM


Another good nugget: "Asked how many nuclear weapons the US needs to have on alert, the median response was just 150."

How many would you think we have, considering that each one could level a city? Unfortunately that number is classified, but a recent estimate puts the number closer to 10,000.

Posted by: Chris at March 18, 2005 11:30 AM

we protect our freaks

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